
A unique quality standard in the world.
PGI Peaches and Nectarines are recognizable by their label. In fact, the regulations envisage that 70% of the fruit that is packaged must have a label that identifies the area of provenance.

The varieties that are accepted by the regulations are numerous and can be distinguished according to the times at which they ripen and by their taste. Both the white and yellow flesh varieties are included for peaches and nectarines alike.

The marketing time of PGI peaches and nectarines is between 10th June and 20th September.

The Queen of sweetness

PGI Romagna Peaches

When a Peach comes from Romagna, you know it does, because of the intense scent that fills the air, the velvety skin, and the juicy and sugary flesh that melts in the mouth. We only pick them at the perfect stage of ripening, when the skin turns the classic shade of yellow, and the fruit is of a soft consistency.

Born to amaze

PGI Romagna Nectarines

The flavour of a Romagna Nectarine is not easily forgotten along with its smooth skin, and the typical scent that fills the room in summer. Crunchy to the bite, with their firm and aromatic flesh, they have won everyone over.

PGI Romagna Nectarines are much more than a plain nectarine.

Wholesome fruit

PGI Romagna Peaches and Nectarines are an ally and a basic supply of goodness for the wellbeing of the body due to their organoleptic qualities.  The richness of water and Mineral Salts make PGI Romagna Peaches and Nectarines a tasty fruit to enjoy on summer days.

Find out how to cook and enjoy PGI Romagna Peaches and Nectarines to the best with our recipes.   


Organismo responsabile dell’informazione: Consorzio di Tutela della Pesca e Nettarina di Romagna IGP.
Autorità di gestione: Regione Emilia Romagna – Direzione Generale Agricoltura e Agroalimentare, Caccia e Pesca.
Entità del finanziamento € 225.015,0.
Dettagli di progetto

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