The consortium

Established in 2002 as a Consortium with the aim of enhancing the products, it obtained recognition for the protection of the products in 2015. The Consortium checks that the production regulations are applied correctly, supporting producers and guaranteeing quality for the end consumers. PGI Romagna Peaches and Nectarines are produced according to specific regulations that have been established to enhance the safety, quality and flavour requirements of the fruit. PGI producers must be enrolled in a specific Register, and they have to comply with the rules that are set out in the Regulations.

By purchasing a package of PGI Romagna Peaches or Nectarines, you are buying a product that has an ID card that enables consumers to trace all the information regarding the production of the fruit.

Only the best from the dedicated areas

PGI Peaches and Nectarines can only come from certain specific areas in Emilia Romagna that are entirely given over to their cultivation, and which are located in the municipalities of Ferrara (Argenta, Cento, Codigoro, Massa Fiscaglia, Portomaggiore, S.Agostino, Tresigallo, Poggio Renatico, Voghiera), Bologna (Borgo Tossignano, Budrio, Casalfiumanese, Castelguelfo, Castenaso, Fantanelice, Granarolo dell’Emilia, Imola, Medicina, Minerbio, Molinella, Mordano), Forlì (Bertinoro, Castrocaro Terme, Cesena, Cesenatico, Dovadola, Forlì, Forlimpopoli, Gambettola, Gatteo, Longiano, Meldola, Mercato Saraceno, Modigliana, Montiano, Predappio, Roncofreddo, Sant’Arcangelo, Savignano sul Rubicone) and Ravenna (Alfonsine, Bagnacavallo, Bagnara di Romagna, Brisighella, Casola Valsenio, Castelbolognese, Cervia, Conselice, Cotignola, Faenza, Fusignano, Lugo, Massa Lombarda, Ravenna, Riolo Terme, Russi, S. Agata sul Santerno, Solarolo).

The recognized quality of the PGI mark

In December 1997, the European Union conferred on Romagna Peaches and Nectarines the Protected Geographic Indication (PGI) mark, a guarantee of the provenance and very high quality that distinguishes this unique fruit. Italy is a leader in the production of peaches in Europe, and Romagna can be considered the cradle of their production, despite the fact that in recent years the continual crises of the market have significantly reduced production in Romagna. The peaches and nectarines with the Protected Geographic Indication mark are recognized as being of guaranteed quality and certified origin.


Organismo responsabile dell’informazione: Consorzio di Tutela della Pesca e Nettarina di Romagna IGP.
Autorità di gestione: Regione Emilia Romagna – Direzione Generale Agricoltura e Agroalimentare, Caccia e Pesca.
Entità del finanziamento € 225.015,0.
Dettagli di progetto

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